Doraemon English subbed episode good bye doraemon

Doraemon English subbed episode good bye Doraemon (new version )

[Doraemon English Sub Episodes]Doraemon Birthday Special Episode Good Bye Doraemon(New Version) English Subbed.mp4

                      Scree shots

Story line :-- As Nobita's future has been changed for the better, Doraemon's programming commands him to return to the future in 48 hours. Noticing that Doraemon has a hard time leaving due to his worry for Nobita, Nobita confronts and has a brutal fight with Gian to prove that he is able to defend himself without Doraemon. Seeing that Nobita refuses to give up, Gian forfeits as Doraemon tearfully takes Nobita home before leaving in peace the next day. During April Fools, Nobita is tricked by Gian into believing that Doraemon has returned. In anger, he drinks a solution Doraemon gave to him which the opposite of everything the consumer says comes true. Finishing his retribution against Suneo (who was chased by a dog trying to bite him) and Gian (who was being dragged away by his mother who was preparing to punish him), Nobita goes back home while lamenting that Doraemon will never return. To his surprise, Doraemon suddenly returns and tells Nobita that he has gotten permission to stay with him because Nobita said that Doraemon would never return, still with the effects of the potion, and it became a truth. They both hug and cry in happiness.

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